
by Cynthia

So here it is Monday evening and I feel like I am slowly emerging from some deep dark sleep. It has been 7 days since that very unwelcome virus paid a visit to our home. Today is the first day we have felt somewhat back to normal. We are moving slow and resting lots so as not to overdo it. I am grateful we are all beginning to get well and hopefully in a few more days we will be just about back to our everyday rhythm. I feel like I lost an entire week. I had so many plans lined up and ideas in store and then Boom! out of nowhere we are all very sick. I now find myself wanting to jump back in the game and get right back where I was this time last week before the virus hit. But it seems my body knows better than my mind and is forcing me to go slow. I hope all of you out there will be waiting for me to catch up. I do have lots I want to share with you when my body feels strong again.
Until then, I hope this little post finds all of you well.

xoxo, Cynthia

p.s. Photos in this post are from a few days before we became sick. I have never seen a Wooly Bear Caterpillar crawling about in late winter– only in the fall. Maybe this little guy Gabriel found was finished overwintering and was checking out how close we are to spring.

Speaking of spring’s arrival, the last photo in this post is of the Black Pussy Willow (Salix gracilistylus ‘Melanostachys’) I planted last year. It is obviously slowly beginning to wake up from its winter nap. It is probably one of the strangest looking plants I have grown so far. From a few feet away I thought it was covered in little bugs but upon closer inspection saw that it was beginning to display its catkins. Wicked little plant.

According to a tad bit of research I did upon finding the caterpillar it seems the willow’s catkins appearance have something to do with early spring insect activity. Interesting!

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